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Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR): Guide: References and the list of references


Karjalainen, A.-L., Kivirinta, M. & Määttänen, J. (2018) References and list of references. In M. Kivirinta, M. Nylund & O. Vesterinen (Eds.), Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR): Guide. (Diak Opetus 4). Helsinki: Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Retrieved

References and the list of references

Anna Liisa Karjalainen, Mervi Kivirinta and Jukka Määttänen

References in the text

There are several ways of referencing commonly in use nationally and internationally. DIAK follows the practice presented herein. When publishing or submitting a text for review elsewhere, one must always check that the referencing matches the practice in each publication, institute of learning or department. This referencing system follows, for the most part, the APA 6 guidelines.

To manage the reference list and its compilation, one can utilize the RefWorks reference management system.

A reference informs the reader as to who has presented the information in question. The reference is written within brackets after the cited part in the text; for example, at the end of the sentence or the paragraph. The reference is given at the end of a piece of text, whether it is referred to or cited in verbatim. This way of referencing is neutral, subject matter centered referencing.

Author centered referencing is referencing whereby the author of the reference is mentioned in the text. When the author is mentioned in one’s own text, there is a particular reason for it: the author of the reference is emphasized as an authority or a comparison is being made, for example.

For example:

Spencer (2007, 86–87) emphasizes – according to Smith (2013, 111) however, …

A reference is needed also when referring to other than written sources. A citation may thus be connected with personal communication or it can be a case of borrowing a figure or a table.

The content and form of a reference

The content and form of a reference within the brackets is as follows:

  • The author’s last name or, should it be missing, the name of the publication or the text, or the name of the corporate author of the web pages 
  • The year of publication; if it is not known, then the remark “n.d.” (no date)
  • A comma and a space
  • Page number (the page number is not needed if the reference concerns the entire document or if the document does not contain page numbering)

(Smith 2015, 212)
(Hall 2015)
(Spencer i.a.)

The place of the period in the reference

The place of the period depends on whether the reference concerns one or several sentences preceding the reference.

If the citation from a source is in just one sentence preceding the reference, the period is placed outside the brackets:

Regarding the community, the roles can be divided into three groups: collective, social and personal (Smith 2011, 100).

If the reference is to several preceding sentences, the period is placed at the end of the sentence before the beginning of the reference as well as inside the brackets:

Regarding the community, the roles can be divided into three groups: collective, social and personal. The roles are connected with interaction relationships, and they show different aspects of a human being. (Smith 2011, 100.)

Two authors

If there are two authors for a reference, both authors are always mentioned. In the text, the word and is used between the authors, whereas in the brackets, the & sign is placed between the authors:

                      Schmidt and Gelhert (2007, 28) emphasize that –

It has been argued that empathy is a rather stable personality trait (Schmidt & Gelhert 2017, 28).

In the list of references
Schmidt, C.D. & Gelhert, N.C. (2017). Couples therapy and empathy: An evaluation of the impact of imago relationship therapy on partner empathy levels. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 25(1) 23-30. Retrieved from DOI: 10.1177/1066480716678621. 

Three or more authors

If there are three to five authors, the names of all the authors are given with the first mention. Later, when referring to the same source, one writes et al. after the first name. If there are six or more authors, one can mention only the first author with the first mention:

(Campbell et al. 2016, 47–48.)

In the list of references
Campbell, A., Taylor, B. &  McGlade, A. (2016). Research design in social work : |b qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. London: Learning Matters.

Several sources in the same reference

If the text is based on several different sources, the references are separated by a semicolon. The presentation order of the sources can be based on the alphabetical order but it can also be the time or relevance order of the sources. The chosen principle of presentation order is to be followed consistently.

(Biggs 2011; Scheidt & Schwarz 2013; Segal, Gerdes & Steiner 2010)

In the list of references
Biggs, S. (2011). Generational intelligence: A critical approach to age relations. Abingdon: Routledge.
Scheidt, R. J. & Schwarz, B. (ed.) (2013). Environmental gerontology: What now?  London: Routledge.
Segal, E. A., Gerdes, K. E. & Steiner, S. (2010). An introduction to the profession of social work: Becoming a change agent (3rd ed.). Belmont: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

Reference to several publications by the same author

If one refers to several publications of the same author, the publications are given in chronological order and the year numbers are separated by a comma.

...Patton (2008, 2011, 2012, 2015).

If one also refers to specific pages in the sources, the publications are separated by a semicolon.

In the list of references
Patton, M. Q. (2008). Utilization-focused evaluation (4th ed. ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Patton, M. Q. (2011). Developmental evaluation : Applying complexity concepts to enhance innovation and use. New York: Guilford Press.
Patton, M. Q. (2012). Essentials of utilization-focused evaluation. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE.
Patton, M. Q.  (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods : Integrating theory and practice (4 th. ed.) Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE.

Reference to the publications of the same author in the same year

If one refers to several publications of the same author in the same year, they are separated by small alphabets.

In the list of references, the publications in question are arranged according to the initial letter of the publications:

(Patton 2017a, 52)

(Patton 2017b, 95)

In the list of references
Patton, M. Q. (2017). Pedagogical principles of evaluation: Interpreting freire. New Directions for Evaluation, 2017(155), 49-77. Retrieved from
Patton, M. Q. (2017). Revised site-visit standards: A quality-assurance framework. New Directions for Evaluation, 2017(156), 83-102.  Retrieved from

Reference to different pages in the publication

If, in the same reference, one refers to different pages in the same source, the page numbers are separated by a comma. If the reference is to a larger unified section in the source, the page numbers are given as reference cut-off points with a hyphen.

An autobiography is not just outlining a life that has been lived; it also includes the present and the future (Kosonen 2000, 16, 102).

Autobiographical writing helps one to outline the present (Vilkko 1999, 20-37).

Reference to the original source via another source

One should always try to have access to the original source (the primary source), where the issue at hand was presented for the first time, instead of referring to it via another source.  Such another source has usually dealt with the issue from its own viewpoint and it may cite the original source incorrectly.

Sometimes it is not possible to have access to the original source due to its age, rareness or some other problem of accessibility and one therefore has to refer to it via another source (a secondary source). It is essential that even the reference singles out the work from which the citation has been taken, and that the original source is given in a text of its own.  

According to Poskiparta (2002), guidance and counseling situations are based on the cooperation of the social and health care employee and the client (Niemi, Nietosvuori, & Virikko 2006, 289).

In the list of references:

Niemi, T., Nietosvuori, L. & Virikko, H. (2006). Hyvinvointialan viestintä. Helsinki: Edita.

The source in use may include references by means of which one presents, compares, develops, applies or interprets thoughts presented in other sources. In this case, these references are relevant from the viewpoint of dealing with the subject matter and they must be given in the cited text.

Valtonen (2015, 267), referring to Koistinen (2010) and Kolkka (2014), has concluded that...

In the list of references, only the source that the author himself/herself uses is to be given.

Internet sources

Internet sources can be single net pages or net publications to be retrieved and read via the internet (for example, to be used with the pdf reader). The sources can be accessible to everyone or publications to which the library has purchased access. They are usually used via the UAS domain.   

Reference to internet sources


As a rule, one refers to internet sources in the same way as one refers to printed ones. If the source in question does not have a personal author, the reference is built upon the corporate author. If the document clearly indicates the publication date, it is to be given in the reference and in the list of references. The reference is not to the include the web address.

In addition to the corporate author, the reference is to include the name of the cited page and the possible subpage.

(World Health Organization. Programmes. Malaria)

 (Järvenpään kaupunki. Ikäihmisten palvelut. Neuvontapalvelut)

 (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 2018)

 (Finn Chuch Aid. Our Work. Right to Peace)

In the list of references
World Health Organization. Programmes. Malaria. Retrieved 22.1.2018 from
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2018) The Alcohol Act will enter into force in March. Retrieved 3.1.2018 from
Finn Chuch Aid. Our Work. Right to Peace. Retrieved 10.1.2018 from
National Institute for Health and Welfare. Immigrants and multiculturalism. Health and wellbeing. Retrieved 10.1.2018 from



Presenting the links of internet sources

The links of the internet sources are presented at the end of the reference without the period. One is to put the information Retrieved from in front of the link. If the content of the net page can change, one is to present the date when the information was accessed from the internet.

World Health Organization. Programmes. Malaria. Retrieved 22.1.2018 from


A web address as precise as possible is chosen as the link – where the source that has been utilized opens up directly. If the source has an address beginning with doi- or urn-, it is to be used. Addresses with doi- and urn- are static web addresses for single works and articles. The address has been constructed in such a way that is not dependent on the web addresses of the library or the university, for example. The web address changes of organizations or updating the pages will not affect the web address of the work. 

Valtonen, M. & Launonen, P. (2017). Diaconia in Dialogue: The Challenges of Diversifying Contexts. (Diak Työelämä 12).  Retrived from
Kenix, L.J. (2011). Alternative and Mainstream Media: The Converging Spectrum. Retrieved from


If the data does not have a direct link (the data has been stored in a database or the use requires separate logging in), the Available information is to be presented with the web address of the database or the service. The web data does not always include page numbers of an article, for example, and then they can be omitted.

Moberg, David O. (2012). Aging and Spirituality : Spiritual Dimensions of Aging Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Retrieved from


A reference to a book consists of the author´s name, the year of publication and the page number. If one refers to the entire book, the page number is not needed.

(Lindstrand 2016)

(Erkko & Hannukkala 2013, 150–157)

In the list of references
Lindstrand, A. (2006). Global health : An introductory textbook. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Buma, A. H., Burris, D., Hawley, A., Ryan, J. & Mahoney, P. F. (2009). Conflict and catastrophe medicine : A practical guide (2nd ed.). Dordrecht: Springer.


In the list of references, as for books, the following is provided:  the author´s last name, the initial letter of the first name, the year of publication within the brackets, the name of the book in italics, the edition (if there are several) abbreviated as ed. or updated ed., the possible name and number of the series of publication, the homestead of the publisher as well as the publisher separated by a colon from the preceding. If the author(s) is (are) editors, the information is provided within the brackets after the author information.

As for books, the homestead of the publisher and the publisher are omitted if the e-version is used. With the Available information, one provides the direct link to the work or the link to the e-book service through which the book can be accessed.

In the list of references
Becher, H. (2015). Prevention of mother to child transmission in humanitarian settings  Part 2 : Implementation guide. Geneva: Unicef Intern Agency Task Team HIV in Humanitarian Emergencies. Retrieved from
Hilhorst, D. (2013). Disaster, Conflict and Society in Crises: Everyday politics of crisis response. Retrieved from  Saatavilla
Van Berkel, R. & Møller, I. H. (2002). Active Social Policies in the EU : Inclusion Through Participation? Saatavilla

An article in a compilation work

If one refers to an article included in a compilation work (a collection of articles, an edited work), one provides the name of the author for the article in the reference:

(Addy 2017, 20)

In the list of references

Addy, T. (2017). Koski, A. (2015).Autonomy and Citizenship – Implication for Seeking
Conviviality.  In P. Launonen & M. Valtonen (Ed.), Diaconia in Dialogue : the Challenges of Diversifying Contexts (pp. 17–32).  (Diak Työelämä 12). Retrieved from


Regarding a compilation work, for the article that has been referred to, one provides the name of the author, the publication year within the brackets as well as the name of the article. After this, one provides the name of the entire publication in italics, as well as the page numbers in the brackets, covering the article in the publication. In the end, one provides, for a printed work, the homestead of the publisher and the publisher. For an e-book, only the link will suffice.

An article in a journal

A reference to an article published in a journal consists of the author´s name, the year of publication and the page numbers.

(Bean 2014, 49–52)

(Marx 2010,  371)

In the list of references
Bean, K. F. (2014). The effect of social work education and self-esteem on students' social discrimination of people with disabilities. Social Work Education, 33(1), 49-60.
Marx, J. D. (2010). Deregulating social welfare. Social Work, 55(4), 371-2. Retrieved from



As for journal articles, the following is provided in the list of references: the name of the author, the year of publication, the name of the journal in italics, the possible volume, the number of the journal or the date and the pages containing the article.

Newspaper article

One refers to a newspaper article according to the name of the author if it has been given. The reference is also to include the year of publication and the page number.

(Carnegy 1994. 3)

In the list of references
Carnegy, H. (1994, September 23). Welfare dilemma for Nordic social democrats. (Scandinavian countries seek to maintain high state benefits). The Financial Times, p. 3.


Regarding newspapers published daily, it will be sufficient when the list of references includes the day of publication and the page number.

Acts and Decrees

When the name of the Act (A) or Decree (D) is mentioned in the text, the reference is to include the number and year of the statute.

In the Act on changing child day care (A 580/2015), it is ruled that...

In the Decree on social and health care client fees (D 912/1992), it is stated that...

If the name of the Act or Decree is not mentioned in the text, but the content therein is dealt with on a general level, the reference is even then to include the number and year of the Act.  

The aim of social work with intoxicant abusers is to prevent and lessen substance abuse (A 41/1986).

The basis for the social and health care client fees is... (D 912/1992)

In the list of references
A 912/1992. Asetus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon asiakasmaksuista. Saatavilla
A 1460/2015. Valtioneuvoston asetus ulkomailla suoritettuja korkeakouluopintoja täydentävistä opinnoista. Saatavilla
L 41/1986. Päihdehuoltolaki. Saatavilla
L 938/2014. Laki yleisestä asumistuesta. Saatavilla
L 1301/2014. Sosiaalihuoltolaki. Saatavilla.
L 580/2015. Laki lasten päivähoidosta annetun lain muuttamisesta. Saatavilla


Regarding the Act and Decree, the list of references note consists of the number and year of the Act or Decree, the name of the Act or Decree and the accessibility information. In the list of references, the Acts and Decrees are given consecutively in ascending order according to the year, at the alphabetical point matching the abbreviation A (Act) or D (Decree).

The Bible

One refers to the Bible using the conventional abbreviations

(Ps. 139: 7–18)

(Matt. 3:16)

In the list of references
Holy bible: King James Version. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
Holy Bible: New international version. London: Hodder & Stoughton.


When compiling a list of references note to the Bible, one is to follow the practice assumed by the Faculty of Theology at the University of Helsinki. A separate Bible verse mentioned in the text reference is not given; instead, in the list of references, the reference will be the name of the entire work, The Holy Bible or The Bible, found on the title page.


A reference to a thesis consists of the name of the author of the thesis, the year of publication and the page number. If one refers to the entire work, no page number is needed.

(Muda 2017)

Lähdeluetteloon merkitään tekijän sukunimi, etunimen alkukirjain, julkaisuvuosi sulkeissa, opinnäytteen nimi kursiivilla. Merkintä opinnäytetyöstä, koulutusohjelmasta ja korkeakoulusta laitetaan lähdeluettelomerkinnän loppuun ennen mahdollista www-osoitetta. Jos opinnäytetyö on julkaistu julkaisusarjassa, laitetaan julkaisusarjan nimi sulkuihin ja kustantajatiedot normaalisti.

In the list of references
Muda, R. (2017). Well-Being Through Plants: the Project of Creating a Therapeutic Balcony for Underaged Asylum Seekers (Thesis, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Degree Programme in Social Services and Community Development). Retrieved from
Muurman, E-M. (2017). Reflection on Christianity and Traditional Religion in Western Kavango in Namibia. (Master Thesis, Helsinki University, Department of Church History). Retrived from

Personal communication and an expert lecture

Reference to personal communication

Regarding personal communication (a telephone conversation, a letter, an e-mail), one provides the last name and the first name as well as the date as precisely as possible:

                      According to Mika Alavaikko (personal communication, April 28, 2015), ...

Personal communication in the brackets at the end of the clause or the paragraph:

                      (Mika Alavaikko, personal communication, April 28, 2015.)

Personal communication is not noted in the list of references.

One refers to an expert lecture with the last name of the lecturer and the year of the lecture.

                      (Toivanen 2004)

Dr. Juhani Toivanen´s lecture Emotional Finnish Speech: Evidence from Automatic Classification Experiments, June 9, 2014, at the University of Stockholm


In the list of references

Toivanen, J. (6.9.2014). Emotional Finnish Speech: Evidence from Automatic Classification Experiments. [Lecture]. Tukholma: Tukholman yliopisto.
Vuokila-Oikkonen, P. &  Keskitalo E. (22.10.2015). Osallistuva tutkiminen ja kehittäminen [Luentotallenne]. Helsinki: Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Saatavilla

Audiovisual material and recordings

Regarding the author and publication data, the notation practice for DVD and CD format recordings as well as files downloaded from the internet varies. In the references and in the list of references, one is to use the kind of information available on the recording (web page, case). Regarding films and other programs, the reference and the list of references is to include the producer, the director and/or some other piece of author information. The role of the doer is put inside the brackets after the name. Regarding TV and radio programs, the day of broadcasting and the channel are given. If the program is distributed only on the internet (for example, YouTube), the link to the program and the date of publication are given

(Kinoproduction, Wahlsten & Kukkonen 2012.)

(YLE, Suomi & Lönnqvist 2015)

(YLE, Suomi 2013)

In the list of references
Kinoproduction Oy (tuotanto), Wahlsten, A. (käsikirjoittaja) & Kukkonen, J. (ohjaaja) (2012). Kiusaus [DVD]. Hyvinkää: Elämäni Sankari ry.
YLE, Suomi (tuotanto) (2013). Kun oppiminen ei suju (video). Jakso 1. YLE TV1 11.12.2013. Saatavilla
YLE, Suomi (tuotanto) & Lönnqvist, M. (ohjaaja) (2015). Ulkolinja. Rajojen Eurooppa (video). YLE TV1 14.1.2016.


As for YouTube files, the name of the author is provided if it can be found in the context of the file. After the author, inside the square brackets [  ], the uploader of the video/the nickname is given; the date of uploading is then given inside the regular brackets (  ). If the author of the video cannot be found, the uploader is put in the place of the author. After the name of the video, the format of the file is given (video).

(Könkkölä 2013)

(Vammais Kumppanuus 2016, 0:20–1:01)     (huom. jos tarpeen, voit merkitä myös tarkemman kohdan videosta aikamerkinnällä t:min:s)

In the list of references
Könkkölä K. [Kalle Könkkölä] (23.6.2013). Kallen nojatuoli ensimmäinen jakso (video). Saatavilla
Vammais Kumppanuus (1.3.2016). Noora Västinen – Vammaisuus (video). Saatavilla


Regarding musical recordings, the reference is to include the songwriter (the copyright year inside the brackets), the name of the song, the performer(s) inside the square brackets [  ] if different from the songwriter, the name of the album in italics, the recording format inside the square brackets [  ], the publisher information, and the date of the recording inside the square brackets [  ] at the end.  

(Löytty 1977)

(Simojoki i.d.)

In the list of references
Löytty J. (1977), Edessäsi uudistun. Teoksessa Omakuva [CD]. Helsinki: Profile Records. [12.2.1998]
Simojoki, P. (i.d.) Jouluyön hymni. [Esittäjät Hollolan musiikkiluokkien kuoro & P. Kallioinen). Teoksessa Tähdistä kirkkain. [CD). Hollola: Hollolan musiikkiluokkien kuoro. [1998]

Regarding a lecture recording, the requisite information can be given in this way, for example:

(Vuokila-Oikkonen & Keskitalo 2015)

In the list of references
Vuokila-Oikkonen, P. &  Keskitalo E. (22.10.2015). Osallistuva tutkiminen ja kehittäminen [Luentotallenne]. Helsinki: Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Saatavilla

Audio books (for example, Celia audio book services recordings for people with reading disorders)

                      The reference notes the original work.

The list of references note additionally includes, within the square brackets [  ], Celia audio book services and the year of the recording.

The reference need not note the page numbers as they are not usually given in the recording.

(Juujärvi 2007)

In the list of references
Juujärvi, S. (2007). Eettinen herkkyys ammatillisessa toiminnassa (audio). Helsinki: Tammi.  [Celia äänikirjapalvelu 2014].
